Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Somebody was right. Birth, marriage and death cannot be predicted. Read this tell-tail love story! Courtesy: BBC


M (tread softly upon) said...

LOL...serves him right I'd say!

ghetufool said...

oops...it's not even a minute i posted it. going to change a word. and you commented!

Scout said...

tell tail indeed!

Shuv said...

lucky guy! at least his 'wife' wont chew his brains with inane conversations.

kaushik said...

It only confirms by views on how the institution of marriage came into existence.

'let him pay a dowry.. because he used it as his wife'

ghetufool said...

the best part is: "...as far as we know they are still together".

Nautilus said...

Well, now he won't be dragged to jail for making a dinner out of his wife!

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