it was evident that the guy won't budge. the deal was far too less profitable and sort of undignified too. the man was quoting a price of rs. 500 for the puppy. that was quite unacceptable.
it's true that whatever price he gets would be a neat profit. the dog was only fifteen days with him now. he stole the puppy about thirty kilometers from his place. he took extra care to transport it to the market.
there were several big dogs. all 'foreign'. the big ones are never easy to lure. they don't catch a good price too. and you can't just carry them without anybody noticing.
but one piece of old dirty bone was enough to lure this small ball of furs. it came almost rolling and jumped to catch the bone...straight into his hands. before anybody comprehends, he put the puppy in his shantiniketan-bag and quickly crossed the road and disappeared on to the crowd. the other dogs were still playing with the rag they discovered on the backyard.
it was a perfect operation. a perfect theft. he spend almost a week spotting for the perfect time to steal it. the house owner is a big shot in the locality. the company sends a car to pick him up to his workplace. they have many servants also. one dedicated to care the dogs. that poor guy will be screwed, he thought. but, survive by preying on others isn't it.
when he put the bag and unbuttoned it, he found the puppy sleeping. it was the most beautiful creature he has ever seen in his life. it was not a 'speech' (spitz), he guessed. its muzzle was heavier and the fur had a little hint of brown in it. also, it had clearly a different set of coat coming up. it was far more coarser. yet, it was almost round. he carefully took the puppy in his hand.
it's so soft. it rolled a little bit and opened its eyes. he put it in the bed. the puppy came again in a rolling fashion and licked his hand. it put its left leg again to his palm. he understood it wants a rocking. he took it in his palms.
there was a curve through its muzzle. as if it was smiling. his heart was overflowed with joy. it reminded him the day when he took his child, now dead, in his hands for the first time.
but, it's not good to fall in love with goods of your business. he put the puppy in the floor and poured some water in the bowl. he generally don't wash the bowl for every dog that gets temporary refuge in this thatched house. it's in the same state for the last five years. but, this time he washed it.
he was himself quite surprised. but, then...may be...this is going to catch a good price in the market. he don't have to worry for two months after the deal. he better take extra care. also, the puppy is from a good 'family'. who knows how rich people treat their dogs. must be better than humans. he tied a rope on its neck.
But, at the night, the dog started crying. it was only stopping when he was putting it with him in the bed and hold it against himself. the puppy would sleep immediately.
he let pass two weeks. they would definitely search for the puppy in all the pet-fares on sundays.
and now after fifteen days, he is sitting in the midst of a considerable crowd, with the puppy in his lap. it won't let itself put in the ground. it prefers the warmth of its owner.
so the man was quoting 500. no, the guy won't budge. OK, how about 800.
nope. he protested nonchalantly. quote some respectable price or else go for others, it's not a cross breed, he shrugged.
somebody wanted to check the puppy. he quickly held it out and showed him. when the prospective customer demanded to take check it himself, he quickly put it again in his lap. what is there to check, can't you see it's a good breed?
what breed is this? somebody asked. hound, he said. but hounds don't have fur. "it's a foreign hound," he proudly proclaimed.
how much you expect for this?
"fifteen thousand". it's a rule in these fairs to reduce price by nine-tenth. he expects a little more than two thousand for this one.
are you daydreaming man? tell me the right price. what about 1000?
you are wasting my time sir. you are not fit for it.
than finally, after many rejections, somebody quoted two thousand five hundred. more than what he expected. he thought for a moment. actually pondered a lot. he put the puppy in the ground. he stood in front of it turning his back to it. he pretended as if sitting for a long time has frozen his legs. he moved a little bit forward. now the puppy was pulling his lungi back. it's a great fun for the puppy to bite the lungi and skid through when its owner walks. the man would pretend to beat him and it would growl...threatening to bite. the game would continue for awhile before he rewards it with a pat or two on the head.
the man turned over, took the puppy again in his lap and started to pack his bag.
so how much you are giving it for? the customer inquired.
no, you are not able to pay for it. i have a better customer in mind.
the man boarded a bus. headed directly towards the house he took the puppy from.
he waited for sometime to ensure nobody is looking. he then slipped the puppy again behind the iron gate. it must have realised it's the last they see each other. it put out a mild sound. the man wiped his eyes and quickly crossed the road.
I don't have much to say, and whatever I try to say, I cannot say it well. My apologies.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
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My Dear Ian
How are you? Please don’t be upset that it’s been so long since we last spoke. It’s not that I don’t think of you—I think of you often. But ...
So, finally I am leaving Bangalore. Heading towards a rather unruly city, they say. Will I be happy? I have to be. Afterall that’s my decisi...
I had a wonderful realization today. I realized, for the first time, that God cannot probably give you anything even if you pray fervently. ...
It’s very strange how our priorities change with the passing of time. when I was a little child I used to pray for toys, and chocolates and ...
beautiful man!! this was vintage ghetu!!
Nice piece!
This was worth waiting for.
Hullo again! Last night I remembered your story again. I think with some minor professional editing - it could be one of the all time greats in the short story genre. I'm serious, this is no send up.
You have a gift. That is pure you. It may be unschooled, but it has a natural vitality and lustre that no amount of bookishness can give. But, as I said earlier, to know your own gift, see it in perspective, and thus be enabled to gain self-awareness and conviction, you should read as much as you can now, even as you write.
If I was a literary agent, I could look to make a nice packet for myself hooking you!
Pls read and contribute to:
hothat erom sentimental chhoto golpo?
bhalo laglo.
shuv, think i am getting back to myself. that depression period is over, i guess.
many many thanks for your encouragement. i would be the happiest person if i could ever write a book. a quality book. that's the aim of my life. i would require people like you to encourage that time.
and to me short story is the ultimate in literature. nothing comes as close. i am trying to make myself a writer. but feel i am not ready yet. so i do all kind of experiments in this blog, which you and others had to endure.
on a lighter note, do you know any agent who is willing to hook me and have a nice packet for himself. :-D
i am taking it seriously now. i will start experimenting. keep coming please.
emni mon korlo. aage ei blog-e choto golpoi likhtam. aabar tai shuru korbo.
hi anup. R here. found your blog from your orkut profile. it's beautiful. so your priorities in life have changed. but for how long?
and i see you have put that photo in profile. you don't partricipate in photography forum anymore, so the photographer is dead now eh?
there are many 'R's in my life. but only one who can talk about photography. my dearest Ranitda, my guru in photography. as you know me best, m priorities keep changing. but i am still into photography. only in bangalore, i didn't bring my cameras, equipments. i stay alone and i fear thieves migt take away those costly gears. but whenever i am in calcutta i am always carrying my f-80 and vivitar. got some lovely pictures in durga puja too.
as for participating in the forum, you know that i don't prefer digital camera. and we need a scanner to postr hotos. i don't have internet cnnection to. so...
but i will restart. don't worry. and you are in orkut???? wow!!!
kemon acho? thanks for coming to my blog. regards.
a lovely story.... thank you!
thanks hayden! welcome to my blog.
Ghetu, you have pulled the Clerk story before I had a chance to read it through. If as I think you have decided it is not ready for the world, could you please anyhow send it to me by email? Thanks!
O Hayden I am glad you found this story, it could be Jake!
the ending wrenched my heart. this was good.
hey that's really nice...
scout and aklanta,
thanks for the complement. keep them coming. i love complements.
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