Sunday, November 04, 2007

mu,mbai salsa

I am drunk. I never drank so much in my life. I am a dirty boy now. much to the spirit of Mumbai. Mumbai is a dirty fuckin bitchy good city. I always wanted this life. I am drunk.

And I will not alter whatever my hands are tyupimg in the keypboard. I want to read it later on to see how much different I am from the fake myself. when I am not drunk, I a write stupid things, I write nonsense lies.

Ah…this stpud problem of correcting your words when you hit the wromng key,. I wil not rectify it anymore. whatever hits the buttojn is golden. It will remnaun as it is. Respect how your senses guide you through. I amn drumnk and I am proud of that.

I know you pelpe are waiting for thi8s arsehole blogger to write somethinbg. But what shall I write>? What is there to writer? I am in love with this city at the first sight.l nbut looks can be deceptivce,. You fucking [people. You don’t know what;’s life. that’s why you blamne Mumbai local train. Ui hgave seen these jamopacked trains when I was in my college and school. I know what’s there tp catch a jam packed train during the rushing office hours. Fuckkin god, it;’s jyust like Calcutta. It’s exactly like Calcutta I swear. It is Calcutta. Period. And those arse ho;les who adfvertise Mumbai local trains to its gloryu or to its doom, I swear, you are the nipple-sucketrs. You don’t know ahat life is. I swear, I have seen worst kind of packed trains in Calcutta, huh, and you bklame Mumbai,. Baustards;./

Mumbai is great and that’s all.

It;’s like a second home coming. Mumbai is nothing but callcutta, the buildings,the roads,m people, traffic. Just replace the fiats with ambassadors, you have Calcutta in fromnt of you,.

Now whio is the vastard who says Mumbai is bad?
Mumbai rocks…qwelcome to Mumbai salsa oh janeman!!!

But two impressions that would have nebver happen in calocutta,

The first day when I was convinced that Mumbai is nothing but Calcutta, I sms-ed one of mt dear friends that mumbao is just vlike Calcutta and I am going to settle her.

But the next day I saw a man dropping fropm the trrain and getting halved byt a train coming from the opposite suide,. Yet, noby frowned. Nobu sympathized, as if a scum on earth has passed on. praise the lord,. It wil never happen in calcutta;.l bastard mumbaikars.

Second, people are professuional. You give a word, you fulfil it. Business is everything and you are super bvusy,m you are super efficient,. It will never happen in calcutta.

I am not returning to xcalxcutta. But I will not live in mu,mbai.

That’s all

Again, I a mdrunk.

Of Cricket and Other Sports

I have started playing cricket after some thirty years. I can't claim to be the best bloke around in cricket, far from it, but I am one ...